ZoomDetails Director’s Chair CanvasSEWING SERVICES, UPHOLSTERYBy Doug BurtnerMay 23, 2024Brand new, custom, long lasting canvas for these timeless chairs.
ZoomDetails Mooring CoverBOAT COVERSBy Doug BurtnerApril 12, 2024Black Sunbrella Custom Mooring Cover
ZoomDetails Boat CushionUPHOLSTERYBy Doug BurtnerMarch 28, 2024Marine upholstery with mesh flow through backing
ZoomDetails New Boat Cushion SetSEWING SERVICES, UPHOLSTERYBy Doug BurtnerDecember 18, 2023New cockpit cushions in Sunbrella Forest Green and Oyster White piping.
ZoomDetails Cushion Set – UpholsteryUPHOLSTERYBy Doug BurtnerDecember 15, 2023Marine cushion set new upholstery